3 min video: 7 tips for better production of B2B videos

3 min video: 7 tips for better production of B2B videos

Here are 7 tips to improve the production of B2B videos on a small budget – tips I wish someone had given me. More social media tips are available in my article 5 tips: New ways to achieve social media success.

Transcript of video ‘7 tips for better production of B2B videos’

Hi my name is Graham Smith from MarketingGraham.com. Here to give you seven tips for better production of B2B marketing videos.

So tip number 1 is use a talking head. Similar to this, one person talking to camera. The more people you introduce into a video the chances are the more retakes you’ll have to do.

Tip number 2 is practise, practise, practise. and don’t just practise in your head, practise out loud. The more you practise the less likely that you’ll trip over your words.

Tip number 3 is 3 minutes and 30 seconds. So you really need to produce two videos or two versions of your video. One of which is 3 minutes long and the other is 30 seconds long.

The 3-minute version will be preferred by platforms like Facebook. They tend to reward longer videos. The 30-second version really is for Instagram and those sort of platforms.

You also have to think about your audience. Some people just don’t have much time, so a 30-second punchy video will be right for them. Others want a more in-depth explanation of the subject, in which case 3 minutes is going to be great.

Tip number 4 is change the angle. This adds a little bit more interest to the video. It can liven it up, but it also allows you to highlight certain key points.

And then tip number 5 is add music. Again this will add a little bit more interest to the video help to liven it up, but also adds a little bit more professionalism.

And then tip number 6 is check the background. Sometimes what’s going on in the background can be a distraction, and it means that people aren’t actually listening to what you’re saying – they’re watching what’s going on behind you.

The final tip, tip number 7, is use a mic. So something similar to this. It’s probably going to cost you the price of two pints in a London pub, but it’s well worth it.

It cuts out all the background noise, ensures that people can actually hear what you’re saying. As an example, this is what it would sound like if I didn’t have the mic.

So those are my 7 tips. For more guidance on social media and video please visit https://www.marketinggraham.com/5-new-social-media-tips/.

That’s all for now, and remember marketing is more science than art.

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