
I’ve produced a series of videos on a variety of B2B marketing subjects. They include unique research, tips and offer a chance to review best practice… but the best bit is most of them only last 3 minutes; bite-size knowledge.

You can review all of the videos on my YouTube Channel.

What the hell is Growth Hacking?

Ask 10 different marketing managers “What is growth hacking?” and you’ll get 10 different answers. Well, here is my simple, no-nonsense guide. Learn about the 3 pillars of Growth Hacking and why it’s not right for everyone. For more information about check my blog article;…

Need, Want & Pain – 3 things that motivate people to buy

Understanding what motivates customers to buy is important. There are some complex theories on the subject, but to keep things simple, I prefer to use ‘Need’, ‘Want’ and ‘Pain’. This video explains each desire and examines which is the greatest motivator. More advice in my blog article;…

How much do your competitors spend on marketing?

How much do your competitors spend on marketing? An important question. Because if they have 10x your budget, you will struggle to compete. This video has the answer. More information available at

How to boost Twitter without downloading Apps

Many people believe that social media channels can only be improved by downloading Apps and Plugins. Here are 3 of my top 10 tips for boosting Twitter without downloading any tools. The full list of tips is available at

Improving customer acquisition

Fishing for new customers is a vital part of B2B marketing. Here are 3 of my top 10 tips for improving customer acquisition. The full list of tips is available at

How to get a higher ranking on Google

Google has updated their algorithms to combat the SEO cheats – websites that artificially manipulate their search engine ranking. Here are 3 of my top tips for improving your website’s ranking on Google. The full list of tips is available at

How to write successful direct mail letters

There is an art to writing sales letters. But the recent dominance of digital marketing and its limit to 300-word blogs or 140 character tweets means few can remember the ingredients of good direct mail. Here are 3 of my top 10 tips, and the full list is available at

Get more from online demonstrations

Online demonstrations and presentations are becoming a regular part of the B2B sales process. So what are the Do’s and Don’ts of effective online pitching or teaching? In many cases, it’s the same rules as offline. Here are 3 of my top 10 tips. The full list of tips is available at