The EU is introducing a new law, due to be passed in 2016, called the General Data Protection Regulation. It’s a mundane title for a game-changing document. It heralds the most significant change to sales and direct marketing for 20 years.
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This post is part of a series about the General Data Protection Regulation; the full list of posts includes ‘How Brexit impacts marketing data in the UK‘ | ‘3 tips: Steal my GDPR plan‘ | ‘The GDPR became law yesterday… and nobody cared‘ | ‘Get ready for Data Protection ambulance chasers‘ | ‘10 Must-know facts about the new EU data law‘ | ‘Want prospects to opt-in? Call them‘ | ‘You don’t need ‘opt-in’ to store a switchboard number‘ | ‘What can these guys teach you about opt-in marketing?‘ | ‘How content marketing will change after 2018‘ | ‘Winning Edge: Counter a direct threat‘