How Brexit impacts marketing data in the UK

How Brexit impacts marketing data in the UK

The UK will be well on its way to leaving the EU when the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes enforceable in May 2018. GDPR is a new law that covers marketing data and was introduced in all EU countries on 28 May 2016.

So why would any UK organisation want to take account of a law that could be seen as redundant? Here are 3 reasons why I’m continuing with my GDPR action plan.

1. The current UK Data Protection Act needs updating

Originally introduced in 1998, when the World Wide Web was just a child, the Data Protection Act (DPA) has to be updated. The GDPR would have helped, but in its absence, a new DPA needs to be created.

It makes perfect sense for the text of the new DPA to closely follow the GDPR. The UK will want to continue trading with the EU, and in order to do that, we must have data laws that are as stringent as those in the rest of Europe. The GDPR applies to any nation that wants to sell to EU citizens – including USA, India, Australia… and now the UK.

So adopting the GDPR standard will mean you are ready for the new DPA.

2. Modern consumers are data savvy

The UK public doesn’t live in a bubble and the internet ensures they are connected with the world. They are well aware of the data rights other nations give their citizens and will want the same. Stories about data hacking (TalkTalk?) make headline news, and failing to use marketing data responsibly (PPI claims?) raises questions in Parliament.

Organisations that fail to adopt a data standard equivalent to the GDPR will be viewed with suspicion, but those that adopt a higher standard will elevate their brand and generate trust.

So, meet the demands of modern consumers and treat their data with greater respect, using the GDPR as a guide.

3. Permission marketing is best practice

Prior to the GDPR my firm normally obtained marketing consent via a tick box on a web form. The new law and imminent deadline encouraged us to boost our ‘opt-in’ activity – and so we started using telemarketing to gain consent. One of the advantages of using telemarketing is that we got feedback, and we were surprised at the number of people that said: “thank you for asking permission”.

I anticipate those consumers that gave marketing permission will be less likely to unsubscribe, unfollow and will be happy to take further marketing calls. With less ‘waste’, response rates from this group will be higher and there is a greater chance of converting them into brand evangelists.

The GDPR was a wake-up call and thankfully has highlighted the many benefits of asking permission to send relevant marketing messages.

I’m continuing with my GDPR action plan, because what’s the alternative? To go back to a data policy that’s 20 years out of date and never keep pace with changing demands of ‘data-savvy’ digital consumers?

This post is part of a series about the General Data Protection Regulation; the full list of posts include ‘How Brexit impacts marketing data in the UK‘ | ‘3 tips: Steal my GDPR plan‘ | ‘The GDPR became law yesterday… and nobody cared‘ | ‘Get ready for Data Protection ambulance chasers‘ | ‘10 Must-know facts about the new EU data law‘ | ‘Want prospects to opt-in? Call them‘ | ‘You don’t need ‘opt-in’ to store a switchboard number‘ | ‘What can these guys teach you about opt-in marketing?‘ | ‘How content marketing will change after 2018‘ | ‘Winning Edge: Counter a direct threat

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